Our staff is composed of scientists and technicians with extensive training and expertise in the fields of Molecular Biology, Genetics and Genomics

Ángela Pérez Pérez
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences & MBA
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A natural born entrepreneur, her clear vision of the Genomic Medicine market allowed the foundation of her first biotech company at the early age of 24th, in 1998. Furthermore, she is currently involved on to eight entrepreneurships, focused on genetics and genomics, among which highlights IMEGEN, one of the genetics and genomic testing leaders in Europe. She holds the CEO position on IMEGEN, reinforcing the strength of this company. She has a balanced combination of a scientific profile, with two publications on NATURE, with high level management skills. Her valuable knowhow allows reach companies, where she is involved, up to the highest level and consolidating them as references on this market.

Dr. Manuel Pérez Alonso
Scientific Advisor
Ph.D. degree in Biology and Molecular Genetics, he is Professor of Genetics at the University of Valencia, where he founded the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Development
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In his laboratory at the University, he has developed more than twenty research projects funded by various national and international agencies, and three biotechnology patents that have been transferred to the biopharmaceutical industry. Among his contributions to the area of genomics, stresses their participation in three international consortia of genomes sequencing.
During the twelve years, since its foundation in 1998 until April 2009, he has been the promoter and founding partner of the firm Sistemas Genomicos, where he held the position of Scientific & Strategic Director. Currently he is a founding partner and Chief Scientist of the company Valentia BioPharma and of the Instituto de Medicina Genomica (Imegen), both located at the Science Park of the University of Valencia. Among other projects, highlights his collaboration with the multinational Life Technologies, in the development of applications of genome ultrasequencing through the SOLiD technology.
Concerning his published research articles, three publications in the prestigious scientific journal Nature should be noted. At present, his research focuses on the development of genomic tools for the genetic diagnosis of hereditary diseases and in biopharmaceutical research to fight rare genetic diseases.

Dr. Javier García Planells
Chief Scientific Officer
Ph.D. in Genetics
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Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences. President of the Spanish Association of Prenatal Diagnosis. In 1998 he founded the Institut de Genetica Medica y Molecular, one of the first companies dedicated to genetic diagnosis in Spain. He holds the accreditation in Human Genetics granted by the Spanish Society of Human Genetics (registration number 123). He has participated in fourteen research projects, both nationally and internationally, and has published twenty articles in the most prestigious scientific journals, including Nature Genetics. He belongs to the editorial and drafting board of the scientific journals Prenatal Diagnosis (ISSN: 2173-4127) and Journal of Pediatrics Genetics (ISSN: 2146-4596).
In 2004 he received the significant Reina Sofia Prize for his professional career in the field of hereditary neurological diseases. Member of the Quality Commission of the Spanish Association of Human Genetics and a national and international benchmark in the quality of the services of genetic diagnosis. He actively participates in the development of different good practice guides for the study of genetic diseases in organisms such as the aforementioned AEGH, European Molecular Genetics Quality Network and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Dr. Carlos Ruiz Lafora
Ph.D. in Genetics
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Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences. He has participated in nine national and international research projects, and published several articles and book chapters on molecular markers in the most prestigious scientific journals in the field of plant genomics. He owns two patents on the design and use of molecular markers in plant breeding. He has led several technology transfer processes and has taught many specialized courses on the application of molecular techniques. His expertise is focused on the design and implementation of protocols for the study of genetic variation aimed at the diagnosis of genetic disorders on the basis of the highest standards of quality and efficiency. He is skilled in the implementation of quality systems as Technical Manager in ENAC (UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025) and AENOR (ISO 9001:2000) audits. He has advised and audited public and private laboratories in the process of accreditation to the ISO 17025 standard. He is an active member of two working groups responsible for the development of international standards for the analysis of genetically modified foods (CEN/TC 275/WG 11) and food allergens (CEN/TC 275/WG 12).

Dra. María García Hoyos
Head of Medical Genetics Department
Ph.D. in Genetics
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Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences. Her career has been focused on the development of diagnostic strategies for the molecular characterization of various genetic diseases. She is accredited in Human Genetics by the Spanish Association of Human Genetics (registration number 198). Likewise, during her post-doctoral fellow at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine in Naples (Italy), she worked in the development of gene therapies for retinal dystrophies. She has participated in more than fifteen research projects, both nationally and internationally, and has published over twenty articles in prestigious scientific journals, among which the American Journal of Medical Genetics and Human Mutation should be noted. She is a member of the Spanish Society of Human Genetics.

Raquel Carrero Planes
Quality Assurance and Human Resources Manager
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
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With more than 15 years of experience in QA management in biotech companies, she has specialized in the field of molecular genetics. Her professional activity includes the implementation of quality management systems and the accreditation and certification against the following international standards ISO 15189, ISO 17025, ISO 13485, ISO 166002, CE marking for sanitary products for in vitro diagnostic, CLIA, ISO 9001 and the national standard developed by the Spanish Association of Human Genetics (AEGH) for Clinical Laboratories. She has worked as QA advisor for the Valencian Biobank Network and teaches “QA in biobanks” in the Master of Biobanks organized by the Catholic University of Valencia.